Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Farewell good fellow.

As im sure many of you have heard BRK is taking a break for RL things with his family and all. He will be missed and the best wishes to him as he continues his journey.

I do think that he should be honored in some way be it an item or a pet or whatever the case, he has greatly influence the hunter community.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New raptor skin!

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I got myself a new raptor! Well...i got sick of Veloci's skin being lite and then dark, it just wasnt the same!

So i got myself a new raptor! A ZD raptor, thats blue and dark! Its awesome, it wont be taking the name Veloci but Crypto! Its awesome!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My journey the BiS items are almost to an end!

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Yes! I picked up in naxx last night! It was awesome! I was expecting the gun, but i guess that will have to wait until next week! But atlas it has come to an end with my staff! It is awesome!
I also /rolled a 93 on the Sapp Quest key! Yay! Now i just have to wait until Thursday for our Maly run to grab the BiS neck! And hopefully grab the legs off Gothik for the loss in HR.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Specs? Talents? Points?!

What to do what to do? Just finished listening to BRK's Podcast, and now that i think about it...i need to look into 2 specs! But the reason i have to change some skills is the new LnL not procing off Serpent Sting...so 3 talents i see are useless in my live build. Maybe not useless but not as useful since...Serpent Sting wont be as...useful anymore.
Okay so i come up with this build for SV come patch: 0/0/52
Now i have 19 points of course i should go right on ahead and pop the usual points for MM!
And that would look something like this without Aimed Shot as i personally dont find it useful:
Alright...and now i have 5 points left to play with. Well i find 3 points could be used to pop into the Hunter's Mark talent since...i dont think many hunters have points into it, as i know the hunters in my guild dont. Looking something like this: 0/17/52
What to do with the last 2 points? Fill up nearly filled talents? Or...pop them in BM for the speed proc? Well...since i do think i remember the glyph for the proc is going to do what the talent does, shouldnt really waste 2 points into it.
So as for right now...i think as long as this is the final build for PTR going into live as far as talents go my spec for SV will look something like this: 0/18/53
What i put my last 2 points into were: GftT and MasterTactian, sine 2% extra crit is nice and 25 more focus for my pet is also good, this is most likey what i will do until they finally release it on live. But i might decide to grab Aimed Shot, but as for right now...this is what it looks like my SV build will be.

Im sure many will ask, why choose Resoucefulness? Well, since Black Arrow is technically a trap and even GC said it meant be to a trap or follows the trap mechanics, 6sec off the CD of 30 would be 24se. That is awesome! Since 15sec of 24sec is only 9sec downtime thats 62.5% uptime for a chance for LnL to proc. Well im not sure the chances of 10% of 62.5% chance of LnL procs but..im sure that it is better then 10% of 50% chance, thats nice. And im going with it.

Update: I said the glyph of the hawk is suppose to give 6% haste but that may not be true, im sure i read something about it...but nothing is final and yeah! So from what i know as of what i have read that is all.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Whoa, hunter to shammy!

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Falling from the heavens, i give you Bole! Yesh, this is my new shammy alt, i do intended to hopefully get to 80!

So i will slowly have my shammy grind its way poping totems and heroism at will!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Of Night Fall!

Yay on Lineage getting Of Night Fall! Yay!!! We are third on the server to do on the ally side! Go go Lineage!!!

Hopfully soon, I, Bule will be Bule of Night Fall!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cape but no gun...

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Eh...yet another week without the gun or staff, this naxx is really depressing me...Oh well.
But at least I did pick up the cape! That is a nice upgrade and its the first time i saw it drop! So that is nice, oh well. Until next week maybe ill see my gun drop. /sigh

Update: Hunter
  • Hunter T8 2P Bonus -- Increases the damage done by your Serpent Sting by 10%.
  • Hunter T8 4P Bonus -- Your Steady Shot has a chance to grant you 600 attack power for 15 sec.
Yesh! Finally decent set bonus for us hunters!!! Finally SS/SS both will be very awesome! A DoT that every hunter keeps up! 10% dps boost! and 600 AP for using Steady? Spam spot ftw!!!

Update 2: Hunter
Beast Mastery
Interesting....not much to say about it...

  • Trap Mastery now increases the duration of Frost Trap and Freezing Trap by 10% (Down from 20%), the periodic damage done by Immolatrion Trap, Explosive Trap, and Black Arrow by 10/20/30%, and increases the number of snakes summoned by Snake Trap by 30/60/90.
Yay, this is surly my new 3pts to get past T2 of talents!

  • Stamped (Rhino) no longer knockbacks the target but causes it to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 1 min instead.
Well, well i guess they dont want knockbacks for rhinos, hehe.

Not too major but not too bad for them Ray users.

My talent free for this build on the PTR: Bule's Talent tree.
I will share as to why i pick certain talents tomorrow or something, its getting late now!

KT wipe!?! WHAAA?

Yess, last night's naxx was fun! Mainly alts and some mains! As we didnt get to finish it because of a few bad things going wrong, i feel good about it! I finally got to see legs i wanted! Yay, too bad i didnt win them but another hunter did!

Since it was an alt/main naxx run we had 5mages yes, count them 5! So i was luck enough to not have to kite the stupid zombie chows durring Gluth! Go Bule!!! It was nice to dps on Gluth again, good ole days!

Hoping we get to finish later this week and being we dont down KT on tuesday we might see some nice loots!

Friday, March 13, 2009

New spirit beast!

As im sure many already know about the new pet, its not so...new to the skin but its likable!
The whole rising aura, thing he has going on is pretty nice, i might just spec BM for the pet! Its awesome!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


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Yes! We did it all! Our guild did it! Woo, do us! It was very close all since we didnt have much dps on one horsemen. We did wipe once getting the AoE raid-wide attack, but it did it again without anyone dying! Woo!
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Also I pick this guy up after our naxx run and grabing the Valor to Heroism since I dont have need them valors and with patch they dont be used to get new badge gear!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ohhh, PTR Dual spec from BRK!

BRK-Dual spec video!

Since now BRK is over at ProjectLore, he has put up a video about dual specs! Its awesome! You should go check it out in the link above or at ProjectLore.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bronze drake! First drake ever!!!

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I got myself the CoS drake!!! This is awesome! Ahh, this is the first drake that i have gotten since Wrath, as i may have max rep with most fractions. I havnt purchased the red drake from the Wyrmrest Accord, i might soon. Who knows? Well me of course but blaaah, 1.6kg for a mount meh...not really up to spending soo much on a mount, even if i can afford it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


No good news to report, and PTR is just moot to me. Nothing much to say besides pretty much what they have been said since the PTR started. I again go with another week without my gun, not even my staff. /sniff
Oh well, im sure it will drop sooner or later! It has to! Until then onward i go!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mounts + Tabards + changes! MMO-Champ! Look at them!!!

Amazing! Look at them beauties. Yesh, the Argent tourny is here and BAM! They bring us some nice looking mounts! And usable for combat!! Onward my next rep grind shall be Darn!!!

Now...hunter changes:
  • Thunderstomp (Gorilla) has been removed as a pet skill and replaced by Pummel - Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. (20 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown)
  • Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.
  • Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor's damage by 10% for 30 seconds.
  • Furious Howl (Wolf) now only affects the wolf and its master, duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
Yes...pet changes! So it looks like all tenacity pets will be tanking! Yay!
Lovely Raptor change! Veloci will be pleased!
Wolf's howl only works with hunters only now...? Whaaaa? Oh well, still not bad. They did up the time on it so that is nice!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3.1 hunter madness!!!

First of all before i even START to talk about the changes and etc, go read about them!!!

Skills: BM
  • *New Skill* Call Stabled Pet - A pet of your choice busts out of its stable and joins you no matter where you are, replacing your current pet. Cannot be used in combat. Instant. 30 min cooldown. Requires Level 80.
That is awesome! Dual Spec AND free pet switch!?! This is awesome!
Skills: MM
  • Kill Shot no longer has a minimum range. It can now be used in melee range.
About time! Now it will work properly!


  • Wild Quiver (Tier 9) now increases your chance to shoot an additional shot when doing damage with your auto shot, dealing 80% Nature damage, by 4/8/12%. (Previously it dealt 50% nature damage and had a 4/7/10% chance.)
Woosh! That is awesome, now it is worth specing into if you go MM and liked this skill! Woo!

  • Piercing Shots (Tier 7) Your critical Aimed, Steady and Chimera Shots cause the target to bleed for 10/20/30% of the damage dealt over 8 sec. (Previously triggered 2/4/6% armor ignore).
Finally, made the talent useful! This is going to help so much and make the points put into it worth it so much more! GO GO MM!

  • Ranged Weapon Specialization (Tier 6) is now a 3 point talent, increasing damage with ranged weapons by 1/3/5%. (Previously a 5 point talent increasing damage by 1/2/3/4/5%)
Yay, with so much new talents its awesome they lowered the ranks! Now us hunters can spec into more skills and giggle!
Skills: SV
  • Disengage cooldown increased to 30 secs. (Previously was 25 secs)
Not much...to say...

  • Hunting Party (Tier 10) is now a 3 point talent, increasing agility by 1/2/3% and your Arcane Shot, Explosive Shot and Steady Shot critical strikes have a 33/66/100% chance to grant up to 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 0.25% of the maximum mana per second. Lasts for 15 sec.
This is nice, 1/2/3% AGI for giving mana regen? Even if...100% for 3% isnt really worth it...i think its going to still be 66% for 2% AGI boost, thats still nice!

  • Trap Mastery moved from Tier 9 to Tier 2 and is now a 3 point talent. Increases the duration of Frost and Freezing trap by 10/20/30%, Periodic damage of Immolation and Explosive trap by 10/20/30%, and number of snakes summoned by Snake Trap by 30%. (Previously was just 1 point)
Yesh! Now even non-SV hunters can spec into a decent trap talent, even if you dont choose to well, its nice to have it lower.

  • *New Talent* Black Arrow (Tier 9) - Fires a Black Arrow at the target, increasing all damage done by you to the target by 6% and dealing [ 10% of RAP + 785 ] Shadow damage over 15 sec. Costs 6% base mana. 5-35 yard range. Instant Cast. 30 sec cooldown.
Wooosh! Black arrow!?! Whaaaaaaaa? What is this madness?! But it does look sweet! And since...we do HAVE to have it for our ES. It does seems to be nice to have 6% boost since they made Sniper Training 6sec stand time for the buff. And with a 30sec CD, and it last 15 sec? That is awesome, a nice DoT we SV have!

  • Sniper Training (Tier 9) has been changed to increase the critical strike chance of your Kill Shot ability by 5/10/15%, and while standing still for 6 sec., you gain Sniper Training increasing the damage done by your Steady Shot, Aimed Shot, Black Arrow and Explosive Shot by 2/4/6% Lasts 15 sec. (Previously increased damage and critical strike chance based on your range to the target)
Not so much a buff or nerf....just...not worth specing into anymore IMO. I dont think there are going to be nice stand and shoot bosses much.

  • Wyvern Sting (Tier 7) now lasts 30 sec on the target. (Previously lasted 12 sec)
Wooo, now we get a additional CC? That should help with Blizz wanting to make more CC-able mobs and what not.

  • T.N.T. (Tier 4) now increases the damage done by your Explosive Shot, Explosive Trap and Immolation Trap by 2%. (Previously increased critical strike chance of explosive shot and and gave it a chance to stun the target)
Meh...even if we dont get that RNG stun, the improve damage is nice!

  • Lock and Load (Tier 4) now has a 33/66/100% chance to proc off Freezing Shot, Freezing Trap, and Frost Trap, and a 3/7/10% chance to proc off the periodic damage of Immolation Trap and Black Arrow. (Previously worked on all traps and included serpent sting)
Well now you HAVE to trap dance for the lovely LnL but with the new skill they gave it doesnt seem TOO bad since it doesnt have a CD anymore from what it says at least.

  • Improved Wing Clip has been removed from the game.
Yay, a worthless skill IMO has been removed, i mean...if your in melee range attempting to fight please Disegage!

  • Glyph - Aimed Shot -- Reduces the cooldown of your Aimed Shot ability by 2 sec. (Old: Reduces the mana cost of your aimed shot ability by 20%)
Lower CD, normal glyph IMO.

  • Glyph of the Monkey -- While Aspect of the Monkey or Aspect of the Dragonhawk are active, each time you dodge you gain 30% increased movement speed for 6 sec. Can only occur every 20 sec. This speed does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects. (Old: Glyph of Aspect of the Monkey -- While Aspect of the Monkey or Aspect of the Dragonhawk are active, each time you dodge you gain 30% increased movement speed for 6 sec. This speed does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.)
Interesting chaning, not much really to say about it, i doubt i will choose this glyph to use for myself

  • Glyph of Wyvern Sting -- Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 6 sec. (Old: Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 15 sec., but decreases the damage it deals by 20%.)
This is awesome, no longer will my WS lose damage!

  • Glyph of Snake Trap -- Snakes generated by your Snake Trap take 90% reduced damge from area of effect spells. (Old: Your Snake Trap creates 2 additional snakes)
Sweet! My snakes will live!!!

  • Glyph of the Hawk -- Increases the haste bonus of the Improved Aspect of the Hawk effect by an additional 6%. (Old: Renamed from Glyph of Improved Aspect of the Hawk)
Name change...nice. lol

  • Glyph of Chimera Shot *new* -- Reduces the cooldown of Chimera Shot by 1 sec.
Ohh, nice lowering of CD, i likes it!

  • Glyph of Explosive Shot *new* -- Increases the critical strike chance of Explosive Shot by 4%.
-Drool- This is lovely! 4% boost to my already high crit?! NICE!!!

  • Glyph of Kill Shot *new* -- Reduces the cooldown of Kill Shot by 6 sec.
6sec lower CD on KS this is awesome! More KS in less time! Haha!

  • Glyph of Explosive Trap *new* -- The periodic damage from your Explosive Trap can now be critical strikes.
Sweet, even more crits!!!

  • Glyph of Scatter Shot *new* -- Increases the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.
Nice, more range for PvP!

  • Glyph of Raptor Strike *new* -- For 5 sec. after using Raptor Strike, you take 20% less damage.
Sweet, now when we melee we can run and not die!!! By all means only melee if you have to!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Twilight Vanquisher Bule!

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Yesh! GO Lineage! We did 3D Sarth and FINALLY beat it! Woo! Check out that tittle! Woosh! Didnt get the mount but our guidlie Moonstorm did! Woosh! Go Moon!

Pretty proud of such an amazing thing we did! Woo! I did respec MM to do it and i might of helped a bit but without the help of everyone forcusing on it we wouldnt of gotten this awesome achivment!! Go Lineage

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

G13 baby!!!

YESH! I got my G13 after i saw BRKs review on it! I always wanted to get into macro keyboards, but man, i didnt even know THIS one existed until BRK lovely reviewed it!
Check it out here: BRK G13 Review!

Woo, its pretty and it changes colors! Its a bit awkward...but it works and im enjoying it! Totally worth the money on this baby!

Wooosh, in other news: PTR will sooon have Ulduar! They may only release some bosses at a time but im sure its worth the wait! All the lore and wonderfully new challenges await us and of course dual spec! How could i eve forget that!?
Dual spec for hunters will be awesome, no more having to switch from PvP to raid! Ahh the wonders of not having to pay 50g each time to spec into the right thing...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

SV shot rotation.

Okay so everyone keeps going on and on about how you do ES-SS-SS-ES =Lock and Load= ES-AS-ES-SS-ES. etc etc.
Yea thats what everyone says but thats if you are haste capped. Yeah yeah, but it bleh bleh. If your SS isnt close enough to the haste cap, your SS cast will be done AFTER the GCD is finish, so poping in a muti or AS will hurt then help.
I know this because iv been doing it and i have had plenty of times where i should and could of poped ES if i waited a second or two, the extra shots arent helping, if you are haste cap then maybe that shot rotation works but for hunters who arent, its not the best of choice to pop an extra shot.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fool for love!

Yes, tis the day of love, all are happy as can be! Soon Bule himself shall be the fool of love himself!

Working on the title just need ONE more candy combo...stupid low drop rate on the candy...Oh well. Until i get that ONE last candy there isnt much to report or say.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yay patch!

Yay! We got a patch, however minor to changes it was...BMs got buffed! Woo, BMs is back in town!
Goo BMs!

Well, with 3.1 they said they would give us free ammo...i guess they are taking it back... /cry
They are removing quiver/pouches at least! And the stacks should be big enough to not have to buy MANY stacks, yay!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Whoa, whoa, hunter changes?!?! WHAT!!!!!!

Yes! That is right! Blues on hunter changes and such are out! Go over to MMO-Champ or WoWinsider!

  • Consumable ammunition has been removed from the game. Arrows and bullets no longer stack, but are not consumed. Ranged attack speed bonus gained from quivers and ammo bags will be preserved in a different capacity.
Yes! Finally much? No more spending so much gold on ammo! No more having to DEAL with ammo! No more auto-ammo addons! FINALLY! Woo! How ever they will do this is going to be interesting, i do think they might make it into something like they did with Non-combat pets/Mounts OR they might just create Sigals, Relics, or even Idols for hunters! That would be awesome! How they are going to implement haste given by quivers and ammo pouchs is going to be my surpise. I do think they should have it like a gem, buy an ammo pouch/quiver and equip it for the speed! So that way they dont cut down on LW profit and they should some how incorpirate Engineers in the process of making the "ammo" or some infinite ammo device or the such!

  • A new tier of hunter pet talents have been added. In particular, this allows Beastmaster hunters to improve their damage per second (DPS) with their 51 point talent.
That is awesome! Now BMs WILL want to put 51pts! They did say they wanted to have skills that "force" you to put points into them if you choose to go that spec!

  • Hunting Party – this talent has been reduced to 3 ranks and also grants a passive bonus to the hunter.
Ohh? SV Replenishment change? Seems interesting, i wonder how its going to be. And that hunter self buff looks awesome, be it % mana regen for how long or many times you have Replenishment up or whatever the case it looks good!

  • Piercing Shots – this talent has been changed. Your Aimed, Steady and Chimera Shots cause the target to bleed for 10/20/30% of damage dealt for 8 sec.
Nice! MM gets some love with that bad skill! Its awesome, as it maybe used by other classes, warriors, its better then what is live now!

  • Sniper Training – this talent has been changed. After standing still for 6 sec, you gain a 2/4/6% damage bonus to Steady, Aimed and Explosive Shot.
Interesting, no longer do i have to keep track of my range? Thats good since some bosses are rather hard to get FAR away from. Would help that Loken fight now that you arent 30+ feet away from the boss and healer!

  • We are also looking to add additional trap functionality to Survival.
Trap changes! About time, been hearing about changes for SUCH a long while. Im glad they finally decide to do it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


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Yes!!! Atlas luck has come to me! Even if it was in a PuG...! But finally i rolled a 93 on meh new gun! Isnt it preeeety? I sure think soooo!

I cant wait to see it in action on the guilds 3D Sarth runs now!

Ahhh! Nerf bat!!

Yea, we SV got hit gently with the nerf bat! They lowered the coefficient of Explosive Shot, so thats less DPS, but from yesterdays 3D Sarth attempt didnt seem too far off. But all is good!

Besides that nothing much to report UNTIL they release some of the MEGA-overhaul on the hunters come 3.1! Im very excited in this! I do hope to see a light at the end of the tunnel to 3.1! But atlas, i rant on!

With RL geting me hard, i shall be on the roads soon! So beware of a crazy hunter driving on the road!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

AQ 10! Wha?

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Yes! I gets meh a bule, mount! Er...i mean a blue one! Hehe...But yeah! Nothing much to do but run old raids and get rep! Right?!? Untill they start rolling 3.1.0 into the PTR nothing not so much change...for hunter.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yep, its been said BM hunters are going to get a bit of love as well as the whole hunter class is going to change. Not really much to say...Nothing in-game to speak of...so that is that!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yay Naxx!

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Yes!!! I finally got meh trinket! Too bad Mirror of Truth is now melee proc. Oh well...
I guess ill have to find myself nothing else! Bleh! I wanted Bandit Insignia anyways, well for the pure AP that or get myself a nice old Nobles deck!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yea, i havnt posted in a while, i was hit with a reality bug. And it still has yet to be hotfixed! So it might be some time before the devs, myself, fix it. But not much to report about hunters. /shrug
They are going to fix that aspect bug, hopefully...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ahh, sweet sweet DPS!

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Oh yes, the stats and dps are awesome living a SV spec! I just love it! Dont compare my DPS with yours! My toon is geared, but yes! Isnt it a awesome? I do have to say it is!

But atlas, since i have obtained that staff, i have seen so many more drops i could of HAD before the ptach such as: Black Ice, and Wraith Spear...Both droped last night....I was mad...of all the times i ran it it had to drop AFTER the staff change...it was say having to watch myself vendor both ideas....

Less QQ more pewpew now!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Behold the power of the staff!

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What a Druid on a hunter blog?! Whaaaaa? Ohhh, the staff. Isnt it nice? Picked it up during Naxx last night. Its preeetty!
Its a wonderful addition to my 2h collection to getting Journey's End or Black Ice. Whatever i can get my hands on first since, my guildie, Snowberry got it last night! Go Snow!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wee! Its survival spec time! Its awesome! I cant wait for my raid later tonight and see my DPS! Woo!

With all the insanity going on with hunters, and all the QQ about nerfs. Well, its not too bad for MM besides the Steady nerf that hit every hunter hard, i dont see why it wasnt it nerfed to 15% for testing instead of pure 10% nerf. Oh well, i think ill live with it.

So i guess ill sure my current spec: Survival Bule style!
It rocks! I see about 4-5 procs? Its lovely with ~34% crit. And with meh Oracle trink i have ~36% crit. Its awesome. So with all the nerfs and all, SV is rocking and MM is still the same. BM isnt ALL QQ, just look for a better arangement for talents!

Hunter bugs: The aspect of GCD trigger?!?! WHAT!!!!
Well with the patch they changed aspect and took them off the GCD but there is a bug and only SOME aspects dont trigger GCD.
Well the only ones that dont trigger are: Viper, Pack, and Wild.
The ones that are triggering GCD are: Dragonhawk, and cheetah.

Hm...so until they hotfix it beware!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Its finally here!!! The patch is gonna hit and already have my toon set up and camped over in IF to respec SV! Woo, i cant wait!

With all this stuff going on and all, ahh there is too much to post!

Hit up MMO-champion! They have all the info and all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ahh reality hits and so does new info on specs!

So yeah havnt posted in a few days, but anyways!

Alright, so it is that LnL seems to have a CD but they did increase the % of proc on stings! Thats wonderful! Whoo! Go SV spec! Listening over on BRKs podcast about hit rating, gaaah! Dont get focus aim? Get hit capped?

Im hit capped with the gear i have, i do have to say...dont enchant into or purposly grab hit rating gear over better stated gear, i mean there is a reason they poped focused aim in T1 of skills, now im not saying if you have gear that is happily hiting the cap thats nice! But dont go insane looking to hit cap. Its not worth all the time to look for that 6hit and you dont have ny more gem slots.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pat....Another day...

Hoping for that Patch? Yeaah! No too bad, it isn't here yet. Blah, another day of dailies grind and more gold, leather, ore and herbs to farm...

Well, after expecting and hoping for failure of a patch to hit us I respecced SV. I wanted to try it out and yeah I enjoyed it surprisingly! Not too hard to play with but the dps isnt as nice as it should or will be. Attempted at fail trap dancing it wasnt too bad, i got a LnL to prot! That was awesome, didnt know what was going on until I looked at my talent tree and went "Oh yeah! I have LnL!"

But now I have went back to my marks, I mean I have to win BGs some way to get that daily done right? Ah well, until we get that patch I shall be raiding with my guild in 25-man Naxx and the such, what are you going to do with a insane hunter like myself?

Thats enough of Bule's insanity left!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bule's First WoW blog!

Hello, I'm Bule from Exodar realm. Yes, I am a 80 Night Elf Hunter!

I'm here to blog about the hunter insanity! Changes here and there best spec this best spec that...blah blah blah. All that stuff many hunters are running in circles about.

Blaaaaaah, dont worry you are not alone when it comes to sooo much change and insanity when it comes to the hunter class!

I know that it might be small group of people reading at first but it will expand! And now you arent alone in all the change and insanity that goes on in the hunter world!