Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yep, its been said BM hunters are going to get a bit of love as well as the whole hunter class is going to change. Not really much to say...Nothing in-game to speak that is that!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yay Naxx!

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Yes!!! I finally got meh trinket! Too bad Mirror of Truth is now melee proc. Oh well...
I guess ill have to find myself nothing else! Bleh! I wanted Bandit Insignia anyways, well for the pure AP that or get myself a nice old Nobles deck!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yea, i havnt posted in a while, i was hit with a reality bug. And it still has yet to be hotfixed! So it might be some time before the devs, myself, fix it. But not much to report about hunters. /shrug
They are going to fix that aspect bug, hopefully...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ahh, sweet sweet DPS!

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Oh yes, the stats and dps are awesome living a SV spec! I just love it! Dont compare my DPS with yours! My toon is geared, but yes! Isnt it a awesome? I do have to say it is!

But atlas, since i have obtained that staff, i have seen so many more drops i could of HAD before the ptach such as: Black Ice, and Wraith Spear...Both droped last night....I was mad...of all the times i ran it it had to drop AFTER the staff was say having to watch myself vendor both ideas....

Less QQ more pewpew now!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Behold the power of the staff!

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What a Druid on a hunter blog?! Whaaaaa? Ohhh, the staff. Isnt it nice? Picked it up during Naxx last night. Its preeetty!
Its a wonderful addition to my 2h collection to getting Journey's End or Black Ice. Whatever i can get my hands on first since, my guildie, Snowberry got it last night! Go Snow!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wee! Its survival spec time! Its awesome! I cant wait for my raid later tonight and see my DPS! Woo!

With all the insanity going on with hunters, and all the QQ about nerfs. Well, its not too bad for MM besides the Steady nerf that hit every hunter hard, i dont see why it wasnt it nerfed to 15% for testing instead of pure 10% nerf. Oh well, i think ill live with it.

So i guess ill sure my current spec: Survival Bule style!
It rocks! I see about 4-5 procs? Its lovely with ~34% crit. And with meh Oracle trink i have ~36% crit. Its awesome. So with all the nerfs and all, SV is rocking and MM is still the same. BM isnt ALL QQ, just look for a better arangement for talents!

Hunter bugs: The aspect of GCD trigger?!?! WHAT!!!!
Well with the patch they changed aspect and took them off the GCD but there is a bug and only SOME aspects dont trigger GCD.
Well the only ones that dont trigger are: Viper, Pack, and Wild.
The ones that are triggering GCD are: Dragonhawk, and cheetah. until they hotfix it beware!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Its finally here!!! The patch is gonna hit and already have my toon set up and camped over in IF to respec SV! Woo, i cant wait!

With all this stuff going on and all, ahh there is too much to post!

Hit up MMO-champion! They have all the info and all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ahh reality hits and so does new info on specs!

So yeah havnt posted in a few days, but anyways!

Alright, so it is that LnL seems to have a CD but they did increase the % of proc on stings! Thats wonderful! Whoo! Go SV spec! Listening over on BRKs podcast about hit rating, gaaah! Dont get focus aim? Get hit capped?

Im hit capped with the gear i have, i do have to say...dont enchant into or purposly grab hit rating gear over better stated gear, i mean there is a reason they poped focused aim in T1 of skills, now im not saying if you have gear that is happily hiting the cap thats nice! But dont go insane looking to hit cap. Its not worth all the time to look for that 6hit and you dont have ny more gem slots.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pat....Another day...

Hoping for that Patch? Yeaah! No too bad, it isn't here yet. Blah, another day of dailies grind and more gold, leather, ore and herbs to farm...

Well, after expecting and hoping for failure of a patch to hit us I respecced SV. I wanted to try it out and yeah I enjoyed it surprisingly! Not too hard to play with but the dps isnt as nice as it should or will be. Attempted at fail trap dancing it wasnt too bad, i got a LnL to prot! That was awesome, didnt know what was going on until I looked at my talent tree and went "Oh yeah! I have LnL!"

But now I have went back to my marks, I mean I have to win BGs some way to get that daily done right? Ah well, until we get that patch I shall be raiding with my guild in 25-man Naxx and the such, what are you going to do with a insane hunter like myself?

Thats enough of Bule's insanity left!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bule's First WoW blog!

Hello, I'm Bule from Exodar realm. Yes, I am a 80 Night Elf Hunter!

I'm here to blog about the hunter insanity! Changes here and there best spec this best spec that...blah blah blah. All that stuff many hunters are running in circles about.

Blaaaaaah, dont worry you are not alone when it comes to sooo much change and insanity when it comes to the hunter class!

I know that it might be small group of people reading at first but it will expand! And now you arent alone in all the change and insanity that goes on in the hunter world!